Britannia Lodge No. 843

Britannia Lodge No. 843 is part of the Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany, within the United Grand Lodge of Germany. We are an English speaking Lodge in Bielefeld, Germany, allowing British expats to practice Freemasonry in their mother tongue, alongside any Brethren who also wish to conduct Masonic business in English.

Britannia 843 was Consecrated on the 6th June 1957 as the third Lodge within the British Lodge District, which was at that time affiliated to the Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.

After over 47 years of meeting at the Lessinghaus in Bielefeld, the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020 caused Britannia to move back to it’s earlier home of Herford. Britannia had originally moved from Bielefeld to Herford following increasing membership in 1962 (mostly due to the high numbers of British service personnel in Germany at the time) but moved back to Bielefeld in 1974. 

As of September 2023, Britannia has returned to their home at the Lessinghaus in Bielefeld. The premises are shared with other British & German Lodges with whom a long masonic relationship has been established.

Following our 3 year stay in Herford, we would like to recognise and thank our Brother Lodges at the Logenhaus, and who provided invaluable support during our tenure in Herford.

The members of the Lodge extend a warm welcome to all freemasons who might be resident or visiting in Bielefeld, Herford, or the surrounding area.

Likewise the Lodge is anxious to hear from men of good standing and character in the area who have a genuine interest in joining freemasonry. In particular an English speaking Lodge, adhering to the customs and traditions of English style freemasonry.

We are currently building our new website, check back soon for more updates!